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Julie Bennett


Creativity is abundant. When properly tapped, it is an endless fountain of ideas. I've been listening regularly to the Chase Jarvis Live podcasts during my commute and, after listening to incredibly inspirational entrepreneurs, artists, designers, painters photographers and authors tell their stories, I'm putting some of their recommendations to practice. I listen when I'm toiling away in the mother's room, determined to put that time to good use.

I'm creating, making, doing. Every. Single. Day. Each daily practice puts a drop of creative energy back in the well. It never runs out, but when used and fed, it runs more freely.

These are some of the practices. They are incredibly universal and have flooded across the aspects of my life.

1. A daily creative practice. For 5 minutes a day, at the beginning of my day, I think creatively, problem solve and work to think about things differently, from new perspectives. Thank you #ChaseJarvis #CreativeCallling

2. Sharing my work - thank you #AustinKleon #Shareyourwork. Here it is. My blog. My photos. My story. One entry at a time.

3. Finding my must. thank you #EllaLuna and #thecrossroadsbetweenshouldandmust. This my must.

4. I'm making stuff. Pictures. Films. Stories. Thank you #Courtneyhomes for the #minikeepsakechallenge

5. Gratitude. Thank you for reading. I hope you find inspiration here.

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