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  • Julie Bennett

2020 mantra: Eat a Salad, Yo: EASY

In 2020 I'm trying to eat healthier and exercise more. Just like everyone else. But simplicity is essential. No, I'm not on a diet. I fail at diets and I find them miserable. (Of course, I would love to fit into my aspirational pants, but that's a happy byproduct). I've been thinking about forming healthier habits and hoping to recognize the person in the mirror after having a baby. So when I head into the cafeteria at work I'm repeating this little mantra to myself:

"EASY: Eat a Salad, Yo." And I kinda get a kick out of myself every time I say it.

I'm trying to rewire my brain to choose these things more automatically. For 6 months I've reminded myself "take the stairs" for a routine walk from the 1st to 2nd floor. The stairs bit has worked beautifully for that particular route at the office.

For one flight of stairs I head straight there now, where I used to mindlessly walk straight to the elevator. (My mind still requires convincing when its three or four flights of stairs.) It has been a few weeks now and it is getting easier to choose salad. It's been a couple weeks and its getting easier, not yet easy. But easier would be a terrible acronym.

Photo by Jennie Harward / @jenharward @the.series.project

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