#100dayproject Day 99
I’m operating in two time zones mentally and crossed the international date line. I skipped the extra leap year day.
This is the glorious feeling of nearly completing a goal. 14 weeks 3.5 months This is a milestone
99 days
The 99th day of my 100 day project
100 days of showing up
Hitting the scary ”publish” button
And only the beginning
This is my proof
Proof to myself
That I can get up
Show up
Keep up
And keep going
One day at a time
One post
That each small goal
Is the fuel needed
To say yes
Keep going
My goals
Make something
See things differently
Do you see it?
Can you do it?
How will you shape your goal
Your story?
It’s there
Waiting to
Find light
Be seen
Be heard
Find you voice
Your venue
And keep going
Earn tenacity