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  • Julie Bennett

A very Happy Christmas Eve Visitor

When I was a little girl, on Christmas Eve we would always go to my Grandparent's house. After dinner I would wait with the other little children. We would press our faces up against the glass doors and look out over the city. We would cup our eyes with our hands to block the light so we could see out across the dark yard. In the distance, the lights of downtown Boise would be sparkling. And we would listen for the sounds of jingle bells. They always came. And from around the corner would come Santa Clause. He would carry a bag full of toys and presents and give us each the first gifts of Christmas.

There was always some magic there. I remember the excitement, waiting for my name to be called, then getting my turn to open a present. Usually he would bring my Uncle Marty a lump of coal, or some other funny gift would be delivered to the elderly members of our family. As I got older, the joy came from watching the excitement carry on in my little cousin's eyes. For the last eleven years, my brother's friend Scottie has been our Santa. He's a young guy with an unconvincing beard, with a pillow stuffed in his shirt and delivers the first gifts of Christmas with a quick wit and a great memory for sweet details about the little children.

Here in Seattle I we have enjoyed our first Christmas in our new house. I set out to recreate some of that same Christmas magic. Unfortunately I happen to know Santa Scottie wasn't available. Even with his magic he couldn't be in two places at the same time. But what do my wondering eyes did appear, but Santa Jerry, some jingle bells, and some Christmas magic. He managed to find us in our new location. Somehow he always does.

I hope you have enjoyed a very Happy Christmas.

Copyright Julie Bennett Creative

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