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  • Julie Bennett

Find the Gap

The Brits have their "Mind the Gap" slogan. But lately, I've been thinking about it from a slightly different perspective: Find the Gap. It is my spin on the saying that you don't need to be better, just different. To do this you have to look for gaps. Look between the lines and see something that can be harder than what is right in front of you: what is missing.

Things can seem rather obvious from the rear-view mirror perspective. How crazy did people think others were when they wanted to fly? To make a self-driving buggy? A personal computer? Computers used to be the size of buildings. But now, you have more computing power in your smart watch. Between giant buildings and enormous investment and the smart watch, there were some people seeing what was not right infront of them. Finding the gap is where people take giant leaps in ideas.

I for one, would really love to have my car drive itself and have a personal robot that sweeps my house. What, what? Isn't that the stuff of the Jetson's. But these things are possible today. Brought to you by dreamers and doers that pushed the boundaries. Find the gap. Change everything.

Andy & Eli in the rear view mirror as we waited for the ferry boat.

Copyright Julie Bennett Creative

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