I'm writing this as part of a film project for #thefilminglifeacademy 6 film challenge. Stay tuned for a lot more video once I wrap up the 100 day project. Thank you for reading!
To sweet little ones,
I love you so much.
It's though life hardly existed before you were here.
When you arrived it brought me to tears.
One, then two, then three little ones.
My heart seemed to swell, to the size of the sun.
You fill our home
With sweet childish sounds
I know it will seem empty
When you're not around
I love how your your smiles
Spread over your faces
Especially when we go
To ice cream-filled places
You are curious and kind
You are your own people it seems
The kind I thought up
When dreaming my dreams
I love your dimples
And mischievous looks
The way you say
"Mommy, read me a book"
I love your snuggles
And how you cuddle your blankies
How you back into my lap saying
"Mommy, give me some huggies"
I love you you snuggle
And scrunch up your nose
Reach up for me
And wiggle your toes
You can dream great big dreams
With me by your side
To be come what wish
With me as your guide
At times others will tell you
What you should be
They'll tell you
The things to say and to be
You'll know where to go
If not right from the start
Don't listen to shoulds
Always follow your heart
It's hard to member
Before there were you three
What a wonderful gift
You all are to me
Copyright Julie Bennett Creative, LLC.