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  • Julie Bennett

Monsters under their beds

Three little mess making machines. I mean small human beings. Also my children.

As a small child I was convinced that the boa constrictor that escaped from the Boise Zoo lived under my bed. I distinctly remember my Dad and Uncle Marty chatting about the escaped creature from the front porch of my parent's first house. We lived nowhere near the zoo, of course. But my imagination took over, the snake must have moved in, and for years and years I would leap into my bed after turning off the lights. Naturally this was not a problem during the day light. Didn't you know that snakes are afraid of the light? Well, mine was and it was only a problem at night.

That brings me to the present day, and the tale of a desperate mother looking for a few zzzZs. My boys also have monsters under their bed. The thing is, I told them they are there. I'm sure one day I'll regret it. But for the time being it has been a useful game to keep those little feet from dangling off the bed and running down the hall at bedtime. You might think I'm terrible. Or you might empathize and think I'm a genius. It only matters that I think I'm a genius. Ha. No. Just kidding. It only matters that I am enjoying a little extra shut-eye for the moment, and the dreaded bedtime routine is, for the moment, involving less jumping on the bed. You can quit reading all those parenting books and just read this to keep them from getting up during bedtime; MONSTERS under their bed. See?

The secret is that, like T-Rex in Jursassic Park, the monsters can only see you if you move. They also can't see you if your eyes or closed, or if you are going to the bathroom. The monsters in Mommy's head are very good at differentiation.

There are monsters under their beds.

They live in Mommy's head.

They only come out when little boys

Refuse to go to bed.

Copyright Julie Bennett Creative, LLC

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