#100DAYPROJECT DAY 91 @juliebennettseattle @juliebennettcreative
We have started a fun little habit of taking the kids out to eat after the boys' swim lessons. When I was getting Eli dressed he said, "Go get pizza?" He means Mod Pizza, which has become favorite. It is quick and easy and tasty, and not everyone in the family has to eat cheese or pepperoni pizza. But Brett had something else in mind, and was dying for some BBQ. So off we went in another direction which took us somewhere new in town.
This public art caught my eye last night as we were walking back to the car from getting dinner. It is a mirrored mosaic that I hadn't paid much attention to before. But it was especially stunning at night. It flickered with vibrant colors as the traffic lights changed and cars drove by. To get a good look at it you have to nearly run over by a bicycle.
It is different at every moment, quietly reflecting on its surroundings. These were the colors the city last night. Passing by. For just a moment.
Seattleites, do you recognize this piece? What's your favorite piece of public art? I'll definitely be back here.
