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  • Julie Bennett

Our Home Building Journey and Lessons Learned. But first, Gratitude

If we haven't bumped into each other for a while, you may not have heard that Brett and I rebuilt our house. Between our home buying search, planning, preparing and rebuilding it took about three years. (Longer if you count the many projects we've been slowly working through since moving in and those that remain). We finally moved in during July this summer.

This was our third renovation project and the largest we've undertaken. We have many lessons learned and things that we would do differently if we were to take on another project in the future. Ours was a considerable journey I'd like to share with you. The ups, the downs. The beautiful as well as the expletive worthy moments. We've navigated challenges and uncertainty. During this time, friends, family and neighbors have knocked on our door and asked us about how we did it, what we learned and for perspective or advice on their own prospective projects. So here, as part of my 100 Day Project on this blog, I'l tell you all the details. You can ask questions. I'd love for you to learn from our experience so yours can be easier, smoother and have fewer surprises.

But first, gratitude. We are blessed beyond measure. We have have a beautiful home, live in a wonderful neighborhood and community, and have a beautiful family to fill the rooms. After all these years living in Seattle, we finally have a guest room and are so excited to host our first Christmas in our new home this year.

I will tell you the truth about our experience, the results, the mistakes and what I would do differently next time, but none of that discounts how lucky I know we are, How appreciative I am to the family and friends that supported us and stuck with us as we navigated this ambitious project into a reality. It took many people and countless hours of work to be writing this from the comfort of our new master bedroom. We are so grateful.

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