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  • Julie Bennett

See something for the first time

These days everyone has a camera in their pocket. I have been in San Francisco for Dreamforce and have carrier my camera around with me between sessions. When everyone takes snapshots, its so important to look at things in new ways to make something unique, beautiful, and that tells a story. Anyone can wield a camera, press a button and hope for the best. But with years of practice, an eye for something new, what I offer is different. It is patient. It tell a story. It is authentic. I love making layers in my photography and today I made this picture. There are many connected stories in a single frame. The image below is one of my favorite from this week.

I went the wrong way on the Muni today and ended up at the waterfront. I've been to SFO a bunch of times but somehow have never seen this arrow. I passed it on one of the trams. In took this image with. a higher f-stop than I usually do (I love to shoot wide open), because I wanted the foreground to have some of the details. The cash machine, the way it looks when one photographs through glass, the driver (conductor) on the other side.

This was taken from the front car, on a beautiful day after I switched trains. I saw this shot coming as the art approached my right (in part because I was seeing it for the second time after returning to the city. I exposed for the arrow and the blue sky outside, And, for a just a moment, the lives of everyone on the tram intersected.


ISO 100


f 3.2


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