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  • Julie Bennett

See things differently

The air was cool and crisp and the sun shined for the first time in a month. And the sun was forgiven for being in hiding. Because when the sun shines in the Cascades, you take in the views and enjoy the mountain air. A thin layer of fresh snow made the magic squeaking sound when we walked, and I knew it was going to be a great day. We went to Steven's Pass this weekend to #optoutside and take Andy skiing. He was so delighted to ski with his auntie, uncles, daddy and mommy. He completely tore it up. He truly had incredible speed and control.

And, we took a few moments to take in the views and I made these double exposure images. It's been fun to experiment to make something interesting. When I look through the lens I see things differently, as the potential for a layer to make something interesting, bold and unique. Below are the results.

Copyright Julie Bennett Creative, LLC

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