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  • Julie Bennett

The things no one ever says

I went skiing with my sister at Sun Peaks a number of years ago. I thought of the man we met on the ski lift that weekend. Have you ever met someone and thought, "wow, this person has it all figured out"? He was the operations manager for the resort. His job required that he skied with the customers three days a week. Let me repeat that. His job required he skied three days a week. It had never occurred to me that that was even an option. In a world of people telling you what you should do, this guy was living his dream. Or it must be pretty close. He loved to ski, he loved to talk to people, and he was at least good at operating. It got me thinking about life's should and wishes.

At the end of a life, there the things no one ever says.

The shoulds. No one ever talks about the shoulds.

I should have:

Spent more time folding the laundry

Always emptied the dishwasher

Spent more time at the office

Watched more TV

Had fewer children

Spent less time with friends

Dieted more

Drank fewer lattes

Saved more money

Followed all the rules

Been more practical

Been more sensible

What if should were just excuses? What if, like Joseph Campbell put it, you spend your whole life climbing a ladder, and when you get to the top, find that its agains the wrong wall?

Instead, at the end of a life, there are wishes. Hopes. Dreams. Love.

I wish I had...

More time

Taken a chance

Spent more time with the people I love

Pursed the things that I love

Listened to my gut

Taken the trip

Savored foreign foods

Learned another language

Been the first person on the dance floor

Played more with my kids

Had a family

Learned to play guitar, to ski, to sing

Taken my own path

Found a hobby

Pursued an idea

Started a business

Followed my curiosity

Taken the scenic route

Said yes more often

What if reflection starts now? Today? Not regrets, but a list. A checklist. A punch list One person's wish list, is another's to do list. I love lists. They are beautifully simple.

Why wait?

Why not now?

Why not me?

Why not you?

And instead of wishing, you thought what if I decided?

What if I took a chance?

Acted on an impulse?

Started doing more.

Finding less excuses.

What would your list look like?

What are you waiting for?

Copyright Julie Bennett Creative, LLC

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