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  • Julie Bennett

Those little lights are not twinkling

The season wouldn't be the same without the lights. It's been getting dark here so early and I have to say I'm thrilled the winter solstice has come and gone. I was excited #Enchanted was back in Seattle this year since we didn't make it last year.

We enjoyed an outing to see the lights at T-Mobile Park's Enchanted event. We had a nice time and the boys particularly enjoyed how they had turned the event into a game. We never did find the packages display, but convinced Andy we must have found it with some other boxes and we scratched off his last item to get a prize after a very important conversation about not cheating.

The entire stadium is draped in lights, and it was beautiful even from the parking garage. We went on the 23rd, so even though it was pretty cold and wet out the event was crawling with people. (We didn't know you can't push strollers through the display, so make sure to pack a baby carrier if you don't want to hold your baby the whole time).

It is pretty much a miracle to have all three children in the same frame. But two strapped into the buggy helps. They are pretty cute with the buggy, and Andy likes to push his two younger siblings. While Daddy retrieved the car, I had a little parking lot photo shoot.

I love seeing the light displays and after a couple of photo shoots with LED lights have learned how they cycle. You don't notice it with the naked eye, but the camera picks up on it and the lights come and go. It makes for some fun patters in the background, don't you think?

Oh what fun!

Here we are - all five of us!

Copyright Julie Bennett Creative

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