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  • Julie Bennett

Your mostly cloudy is my partly sunny

When you live in Seattle or the Pacific Northwest, you acquire new lingo to describe the weather.

Full sun = not a cloud in the sky. Basically the same definition as most other places..

Mostly sunny = most of the day you see the sun, there are clouds, they may come and go but the rest of the world calls this "partly cloudy"

Partly sunny = mostly cloudy everywhere else. Here in Seattle if the sun shines, this is partly sunny. The optimistic view of the weather chart.

Sun break: mostly cloudy day with intermittent bursts of sunshine through the clouds. Possibly blinding light.

Beach weather = any day with any sort of sun icon.

Sunday we enjoyed a mostly sunny to sunny day. It was almost 50 degrees, the sun was out so I naturally took my kids to the beach. (Technically the high was 48 degrees F). I felt warm enough so I let them take their shoes off and run in the sand. When it was full sun, jackets were not required, except for the baby.

Little boys enjoying pancakes at Miri's Golden Gardens

Building sand castles or just filling and emptying buckets. Same thing.

A man was making giant bubbles so the boys joined in on the fun popping them.

I love action shots like these. I live for these moments. This is what the joy of childhood is about for me. These moments aren't planned, but unfold organically.

Children on the breach. I have waited so long for this. They are playing on the beach (mostly) together.

My baby girl. Boogy nose and all.

Copyright Julie Bennett Creative, LLC

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